Girdap Teorisi

                              RING VORTEX THEORY  OF PARTICLE PHYSICS

                     According to this space theory fallowing things happens with everythings name differed. 

                     According to this theory ,Magnetic fields have internal energy like particles . But may or maynot have external energy. Magnetic field can have external energy of another kind  , but movement of magnetic fields contibutes only into internal energy of magnetic field slightly changing magnetic field line's strength and direction. i.e. the result is another magnetic field.  According to this theory, magnetic fields can be produced by exerting a force to space . By using this force magnetic field strength and direction can be changed. But this force seems to have no affects on elementary particles. As a result , there are different kind of forces. We can think in this theory that , changing the definition of space slightly, magntic field is made up of space particles. Space , itself has made of particles(with this new definition of space, space is not emptiness anymore). Space can move but it's place cannot move. Particles have  internal energy too. We can increase this internal energy by changing the nature of particle.   Particle's spin is related with particle's internal energy.  Particle's surface is like magnetic field  according to this theory. As a result particle's spin has also an unknown kind of internal energgy. Particle's spin is like a movement near surface of a particle. But spin continues inside. İf we think particle is stationary, than particle's spins are like as if particle is spinning. As if there is a continium movement inside the particle. According to this theory, if we call spin as it is a movement of particle near its surface , we can see that a kind of movement like spin(imaginary particle movement) movement can be seen inside the particle (everywhere of particle has movement like surface of the particle . i mean spinlike movement like thing exists inside the particle. while particle is stationary. ) also but not as a spin.  as an understanding  . One can claim that particle is made of magnetic field. The thruth is only slightly different than this . As a result we cannot call particle producing magnetic field as magnetic fields. They are showing magnetic field property, but cannot be named as magnetic field. As a result , a particle's internal energy is fully magnetic internal energy. Inside the particle , this energy is nearly constant. whithout this energy particle cannot exist. Particle is inside a dynamic thing, not a stationary thing. It seems as if it is spinning but it is stationary.  A particle cannot be defined in terms of  things it is made of. This is well understood in this theory.There is a constant force acting on particle's inside factors. With this force, particle's inside factors becomes particle's inside factors and particle happens(a particle is like an event to this theory).without this force , particle is destroyed.  Therefore particle is created with a force. particle's continuing its lifetime is because of same force. This force is also responsible from particle's internal energy. But particle is still not energy. Think a particle's equatorial region. If we take a point there , that point is moving while particle is spinning. But particle's that point which belongs to particle  is not moving. Since particle is not really spinning , it is particle's internal energy that shows particle's spin. particle is not spinning but there is a spin of the particle. At that point of the particle we are questioning, there is absolutely nothing stationary. But if we take that point as a stationary part of the particle, particle becomes relatively existed. These things are well understood in the new theory. There is nothing exists at the point of the particle we questioned , since it is changing constantly , but since we are inclined to think a stationary particle which can occupy a space, stationarily nothing existed but particle is still stationary. As a result nonspinning particle has no physical body. But we think it exists. Its existence is relative to us. It can spin , but it can spin together with its spin. We cannot think any kind of such force exists but only we can say that it is possible to exist. But particle exerts force to others as if it has a stationary surface and of course as if its surface existed and as if it is stationary. Thats why like imagining we can say that particle has a nonexisted surface which is actually existed .As we said before this surface is relative and actually doesnt exist. But without this surface, particle cannot exist in our minds.  Since if particle is a thing, it must have well defined boundries as a material. Particle is a complex thing in this theory. And every kind of force it can act must be explained and can be explained . We are asking "why it is attracting" or "why it is repelling" anymore. As a result , particle has a nonexisted cover and internal energy. If we dont think particle as stationary while spinning,  we cannot define for example left of the particle or right of the particle , they constantly changes in time. Untill now if you realised there is one contradiction in my words that i said, but it is because of i used one word in two meaning. When u learned the theory, u will understand fast and easily every point. That contradiction clearly cannot exist.   Think fallowing things.  In our theory , we can think particles as ,as if there is a sea  and  particles are  vortices in this sea. Magnetic fields can be thought as, as if there is a sea and magnetic fields are flows in this sea. Like golf-stream.  Particle's internal energy is like as if there is a sea and  individual particles of liquid of this sea is moving and internal energy of a particle can be thought as if it is movement of particles of this sea. exactly resembles this movement of sea particles. Electrostatic cloumb force can be thought as if two ring vortices repelling and attracting each other in this sea . Remember vortices repels and attracts each other in a fluid by fluid machanics. A mass is also given to individual vortices in fluid mechanics. Furthermore matter wave is like as if there is sea and a vortex is moving inside the sea. In that case vortex will push the liquid in front of it and after it moved , the pushed liquid will enter behind of it. As a result , there will be a wavelike pattern behind of the particle, a tail in which particles are moving perpendicular to vortex's direction of motion. Having exactly same shape as earth's magnetic tail.(vortex is three dimentional and inside the sea , not on the surface) Matter wave is as if these things are happening and as if matter wave is the result. Lİghtwaves are like as if there is a sea and lighwaves are phononlike sound waves inside of this sea. In maxwwell's illustrations , transverse magnetic fieds  are like as if individual particles of this sea is moving in transverse direction. Everything is exactly same as lightwave.  As a result , the universe seems as if it is filled with a sea of unknown type. And fields , particles, waves , energy is behaving like we mentioned above. They all behaves like as if there is a sea in the universe and  they are factors in this sea. Finally we are claiming that this sea really exists. Individual particles of this sea are not matter. Matter contains these particles but not made of those particles.   they maynot be considered as particles. They are unknown things althought we therotised the structure of these see paticles. An introduction to our space theory is this. Untill now we unified magnetic field and particles.. As we read above. Proof of this theory is also available in this hompage of this site.       Another introduction to new space theory is written below. 

                   Slightly changed space definition is like this. In the past , in places far from the  earth , there  was an emptiness. The emptiness is called "space". Now we know there there is a sea there. As a result we must use sea in place of emptiness. As a result thing existed in those places must be called as "space". Since that thing is a "sea" , now anymore the sea is called "space" , not emptiness.  sea is as large as emptiness. As a result our new space has equal dimentions as old space. space is the sea as a whole, not a part of the sea.


                       NEW THEORY:

There is a new theory of physics which will uncover secrets of the universe. This is ring vortex theory of particle physics.Theory is simple at first glance:
                    1-  There is a ocean of unknown type which fills the space.
                    2-   particles like protons, neutrons and all leptons are ring vortices of the liquid of this sea.( Counterparts of leptons are not quarks. they are protons and neutrons. Quarks are not particles. But they give their colour to particle called proton or neutron. (quarks are only particle producers with some kinds of a force like thing. it cannot be behavioured as if it is a force, but it looks like a force. quarks and that force must exist for a proton's being created. )(an electron must also contain three fake quarks, not really quarks , there is nothing there but quark like behavioured thing. force like thing existed too so that fake quarks can communicate.  this quark like thing gives its colour to electrons. think a quark as if it is knowledge in our brains , electronic quarks are more look like a misknowledge , and its colour giving force to an electron is like saying a lie as if there is a thruth. this fakethruth in our mind is fakequark, which lets an electron's being created. it is colour is a lie. something like this. As you can see in the  resut , electron will become a thruth as a lie. it will be real at the same time. electrons colour is that fake thruth. but a proton's colour is a thruth. thats why we accept that a proton must be much more powerfull than an electron. maybe this force is their internal energy. A quark cannot be interacted resembling a person's being unable to know other person's knowledge if it is not said to fist person by second person. Places of individual quarks are also cannot be known. cannot be estimated as quarks are never particles. they cannot affect us physicsally. but by means of their colour and colour ejecting force like thing, they can produce protons, they can affect us by means of their colours. since body of a proton contains colours. something is moving from one quark to another, but this moving thing must have a colour. this colour is a thruth. and colour carrying thing is maybbe real. butt as a result a proton is real. Since we cannot say that "my knowledge is real(not i am saying here "what i know is real" please distinguiish between them.) , we cannot say in exactly same way that quarks are real. it is hard to say.)
                    3- The thing we call magnetic field is nothing but flows of unknown kind of liquid in this sea.)

                    A new era is starting with this theory .
                    This theory explains too many things. For example why neutrinos always moves in the direction of reverse of their spin direction. secondly hall effect is fully understood and explained with this theory. We are not saying only "hall effect occures" . no. we are explaining why hall effect occures. We are answering question why not how.  third, why a charged particle in a magnetic field moves on a circle. spins of particles are also explained .  And there are other things explained by help of this theory. 

                      For example let's explain one of them.. for example why all neutrinos moves in a direction which is reverse of their spin direction. We know that all neutrinos moves near speed of light. Since universe is filled with a fluid , a neutrino will experience a relative very strong flow of the fluid. Since flow of this fluid is magnetic field as an old name, a neutrino must be aligned to this very strong magnetic field(Earth's magnetic field is movement of the liquid with speed of 5000 km/h). As a result they must always move in a direction which is reverse of their spin direction. Other things mentioned above are explained like this. In this new theory a 3 dimentional vortex alignes the fluid flow. thats why all leptons must aling in a magnetic field. Otherwise, if this new theory is false , how neutrinos cannot move in other directions. Since magnetic field direction is relative to observer , a neutrino sees an entirely different magnetic field direction around earth. for this reason it cannot be trapped in a magnetic field in that direction. 

                     Think there are two vortices in this sea in the universe. Since two wortices spinning in reverse directions annihilate each other in this sea, like this an electron and a positron is two vortices spinning in reverse directions. They will annihilate leaving all their internal energy go around. Particle and antiparticle annihilation happens like this. What will happen to two vortices spinning in the same direction. Since two vortices spinning in same direction repel each other by fluid mechanics, two electon will repel each other. They cannot coinside to join each other becouse of this repelling force. Everything is explained with help of this theory easily.

                     We know that by vortex dynamics, vortices can form gas state , liquid state and solid state. Since we are vortices in this sea in the universe , we can form all these states so nothing is unexplaineable with the help of this theory. Since we are solid or gas or liquid in genereal, every matter phenomena can be explained by this theory logically.

                     This theores name is space theory . This theory is proved . This theory is patented by its owner. But u can help us to advance this theory. theory is not this much simple. too many new things arises.

                       I will tell you  much more about this theory later.
                        Another point of the theory is that: After einstein we know that matter can be converted to energy and energy can be converted to matter. In a vortex, clearly there are energetic liquid particles.  This liquid is liquid of unknown type. But clearly every particle(vortex) contains energy inside. Without energy particle cannot exist. As a result energy can be converted into matter, matter can be converted into energy. It is simple and we can see the situation with this theory. Other theories cannot explain how energy inside a particle exists. But we are doing it. Even children can understand this theory.  there are many more things i will tell you later. The situation is even more complex. Since a liquid particle in a three dimentional vorteks, particle moves righthandside, upward, than it moves backwards and downwards. It seems as if  a force is continuously acting on a liquid particle. As a result, according to my theory for our existence  , a force is needed. Internal energy of a single particle is becaouse of this force. As a result we can find a formula which is not exactly E=mC2 but the amount of energy is associated with circulation of a vortex. Maybe is is equal to E=mc*2 ıt is about how fast liquid particles are moving inside an electron vortex.


                       At first , when year was near 2002 i first realised that particles are actually vortices. I believed in this theory. But there was only theory, no explanations of anything , no proofs , no evidences. In time , i gave %90 probability of this theories being true. Than this probability reduced. Later i thought that this theory is nonsense , i am totally wrong. My idea about the theory always changed. But than i believed the theory again. I explained some phenomenas , i found new explanations and theory became look like a theory. In the end, i learned that solar magnetic field is spiral shaped. I   learned that there are magnetic fields at solar equator which is radially outward direction and the sun is rotating. This was a point that this theory can be prooved. If magnetic field shape is spiral, than magnetic field produced at solar equator must move into interplanetary space and a spiral shape must occur. I found exactly the same thing.(proving that magnetic field is moving) Even modern interpretation of this magnetic field shape is like this: the sun is resembling a liquid source. Think the sun as if it is ejecting a liquid into interplanetary space from its equator. This liquid will move towards interplanetary space in time. But at the same time the sun will rotate. This liquid in this case must have a spiral shape. Magnetic field is exactly behaving same way .  Magnetic field is taking spiral shape in the interplanetary space. As a result magnetic field is moving into interplanetary space which case doesnt known by today's science. Magnetic field only can be generated and immediately after generation of magnetic field stops, magnetic field ends. No movement of magnetic field is possible(since it wasnt known that magnetic field has an inertia) .(in the theory above , as a fluid , it moves) But clearly solar magnetic field is moving tovards interplanetary space. As if something is moving. As if something which has inertia is moving. (But untill today we learned that magnetic field has no inertia. it doesnt move. It is known by today's science that magnetic field cannot be ejected either. All these are what today's science says. For example if we cut electricity, magnetic fields around electromagnet disappears. But in solar case, it is seen that before generated and no more generated magnetic fields are also continues to exist. its source continues to regenerating magnetic fields but in another place relative to the sun. Clearly, oldly generated magnetic fields exists in somewhere else. Which is impossible by todays sciende.)Since once it starts to move, it moves forever. It must have an inertia .  In this new theory , the liquid filling the universe , has an inertia. Once it starts to move, it will move like electrons not reducing its velocity ever. Definitely there is something we call as magnetic field. This thing is moving , and it has a direction definitely like flow of a fluid. When a fluid is flowing, its movement has a direction. futhermore , it is moving in the direction of itself i.e. in the direction of the field. besides, by parker, behaviour of solar magnetic field is described exactly same as flow of a fluid actually. He was not wrong. Since spiral shape was showing that something is started from solar surface and in time travelled through interplanetary space in a direction radially outward from the sun. This part is definitely true. But no scientist was able to see that magnetic field is moving and its has a movement direciton and it has a velocity. Instead they said that magnetic field is being carried by plasma. But we know that magnetic field cannot be carried. it must be regenerated and regenerated in the same direction. How this can be supplied with the direction of magnetic field is so ordered. At he same time plasma must fallow magnetic field lines. How it can fallow lines which is generated already by itself or carried by itself. Obviously these explanations cannot be accepted. But at those times (today) there were no other explanations. thats why it is accepted. It must not be forgotten that , at solar equator, magnetic field direction is radially outward. And magnetic field movement direction is also radially outward. Magnetic field is moving in the direction of itself. like a material too much resembling a fluid.  As if this direction means something. As if at solar equator , magnetic field were moving already in radially outward direction like a fluid. In time, it continued to move in same direction otherwise parker spiral cannot occur  actually. So there must be a fluid. Which when starts to move, goes in same direction untill for example pluto. This new theory's proof looks like this. By the way , this new theory predicted a magnetic field between innermost ring of giant planets and giant planet's equators. I found in the internet that this magnetic field really existed with no explanation of today's physics theories. this is another one of the success of this new theory. At he same time ring magnetic fields are also predicted by this theory and finally i learned that it really exists. Proof of this theory given below.
                   Let's explain simplest thing , the spin of particles. It is accepted that there are no surfaces of leptons or electrons. Electrons spin doesnt look like a solid's spin. Same thing in this theory, since electron is a 3 dimentional vortex , its surface is flow of a fluid. If fluid were stationary than we can talk about surface of the particle. But it is a moving liquid thats why there is nothing called surface of the electron exists. Spin of electron is not a spin. It is circulation of liquid. If we think particle as if it contains no energy inside and as if it is stationary, in that case it's surface seemed to move. Otherwise , if dont except a dynamic movement inside a particle, how can we accept internal energy of particles. Particle's spins resembles already that , particle's surface are like vortex surfaces. As a result, why not a particle is a vortex. Believe in me. particle's are vortices. 
                    Let's explain another thing. Why between two leptons, there are forces. It is known by fluid mechanics that if tho vortices spinning in the same direction, the liquid between them can be thought as if it doesnt exist and two vortices repel each other. It is two electron case. If two vortices are spinning in reverse directions , they attract each other. An electron and a positron is an example of this. It is very easy with this theory. At the same time , we are explaining why they are attracting each other. before , it is only observed that they attract each other but why they attract or repel was a never answered question.

abstract of proof

          ( Please first read the theory above) 
                         Shortly speaking our theory says that the sun's equatorial magnetic field must be spiral in shape and it must rotate together with the sun. We looked at the interplanetary magnetic field and found same thing. The sun's magnetic field is exactlyy fitted to our unnamed theory. Thats why this is a proof of the theory.

                          parker said same thing as me. Parker said that interplanetary magnetic field are explained as if the sun is ejecting a liquid into interplanetary space while the sun is rotating. The resulting shape of the fluid is a spiral of course according to parker. I am saying same thing too . The sun is while rotating , ejecting a liquid into interplanetary space. The resulting shape of this fluid must be a spiral. furhermore, it's shape must be exactly same as parker spiral. isn't both of them same. If so, why what parker said is true and why what i said is false. But only one thing remains at this point, i cannot explain but it occures for particles having inertia. It is the magnetic field or any ejected particle from the sun must go in a direction that radially outward from the sun. I cannot explain this phenomena since both the plasma and magnet liquid goes away from the sun fallowing the parker spiral. Say particles ejected from the sun must form a spiral but they must not move along the spiral. But they are also moving along the spiral. Same thing occures for the magnet liquid(the liquid that fills the universe) , they dont move in a direction radially outward from the sun, instead, they move along the spiral. As a result magnetic field direction is along the spiral. The answer is an ejected particle must go straight ahaed. But in this case particles are spiarling around the sun. If this path is straight as accepted , than the stationary sun is actually rotating. Since stationary sun is stationary to distant stars than whole  universe is rotating. But if you reject the fact that if a particle is ejected it must have a  straight path, than u can think differenty. But i dont think anyone will think this way since it is contrary  to every physics knowlege we know.

                   Why solar magnetic fields generated by the sun  it is like an ejected fluid's path and other magnetic fields are not like an ejected liquid's path. aren't they same thing.  If parker were right, other magnetic fields  path must be explained as if they are definite by flow of a kind of liquid. what makes solar magnetic field differ from other magnetic fields. For example think a dipolar magnet. Think parker is right and magnetic field path must be same as as if liquid is ejected from north pole and accepted at the south pole. Since there is ejection think velocity of ejection and acception is high.  If we think universe is as if the universe is filled with same kind of imaginary fluid, won't the flow of the fluid around dipolar magnet be same as magnetic fields shape around dipolar magnets as we know how it is. if we think that universe is filled with a liquid, parker will be always right. And what our theory says is that universe is filled with a liquid, magnetic field is flow of this fluid as a result , dipolar magnet's magnetic field's shape is readily proved our theory.

About the photo

             As in the picture , for a spiral shape like this ot occur, something must be throwed into space in a direction radially outward from the star(if we think this object as if it is a star) and throwed thing must have an inertia. So that when it starts to move , it must continue to move. We can think this spiral as magnetic fields spiral like one around the sun(Parker spiral). At that time, smallest part that magnetic field have must have an inertia and must be throwed into space in a direction radially outward from the star. If we think that magnetic field is flow of a fluid , everything becomes clear and spiral shape explained. It's shape will exactly the same as rejected particle's spiral since both of them are inertia. same thing. We think that magnetic field is flow of a fluid and furthermore this fluid is made of extremely small particles. These particles are smaller than any known smallest thing even smaller than lightwaves.


                                     bu deniz biryerdedir diyemiyoruz. Çünkü heryer bir yermidir değilmidir sorusunun cevabını hiç kimse bilmiyor. Yani deniz biryerdedir diyemeyiz. Normalde uzayı doldurur diyoruz. Deniz kendisi sıvı değildir. ancak sıvıdan oluşur. Hiç, deniz akar diyen duydunuz mu. Denizde sıvı akar. Ancak deniz akmaz.  Denizin içinde veya dışında olabiliriz. Deniz uzayı doldurmuş derseniz, deniz olmasaydı olacak boşluğu doldurmuş demiş olursunuz. Ancak deniz var ve o zaman da boşluk yok. Belki de deniz boşluktadır . yani deniz olmasaydı olacak boşlukta. Bir şeyin denizdeki yeri denize göre koordinatları olur.

                         [ SU birço h2o molekülünün bir araya gelmesiyle olur. Sanki hareket gibi bir şeydir. Gelmelerinden oluşmaz. Onlar bir araya gelince su oluşur. Bu moleküller tek başına suyla ilgili hiçbişey değildir bu yüzden su molekülü demek saçmadır. Onların bir araya gelmesiyle olması suyun onlar bir araya gelmesiyle varolması değidir. Su zaten vardır. Sadece maddi olur. Yani televizyonun olması gibi. televizyon bundan 1000 sene önce de vardı. Ama yapılamadı. Yapılsaydı olacaktı. Yapılsaydı o zaman da televizyon olacaktı. Yani eskiden de televizyon olacaktı. Neden? Çünkü televizyon zaten vardır da ondan. Biz sadece yaparız onu. Televizyon olur. Aslında su, molekülerin özelliklerinin bir araya gelmesiyle oluşur. Su bir şeyden mi oluşur. Olmak spesifiktir . bir şeyin olması için onun önce varolması gerekir. Varolmanın izdüşümü olmaktır. Molekülleri bir araya getirdiğin zaman o, su olur. Mesela tüm moleküllere birden. Tarit diyelim tarit gazdı diyelim. Sonra yakınlaştı moleküller birbirine. Ancak sonuçta sıvı oluştu. Taritlerin bir araya gelmesinden oluşmadı. Zaten taritlerin bir araya gelmesi su olması demektir.biraraya gelmeleriyle de olmaz. Su, taritlerin bir araya geldiği zaman tarittir.yani tarit değişiyor. Bir su oluyor bir buz oluyor. Aslında moleküller taritin kendisi değil vücududur. Tarit hiç görülmemiştir. Bir su olur bir buz olur bir buhar olur daha da neler olur kimbilir. Aynı vorteksin dönmediği ama spin yapanın vorteks olduğu gibi. spin vorteksin bir iç akıntısıdır. Vorteksin iç enerjisi vorteksin iç enerjisidir. Ancak vorteks yine de durur. İşte bu hiç görülmeyen şey değişik şeylere dönüşebilir. Mesela ışığa.

                         Mesela şu cümlelere dikkat edin. İçindeki hayaleti görebilecekmisiniz  “-“-bir şey sıvı olmuş. Demek ki önceden gazdı. Demek ki o şey gazdır.(oysa ki o şey önceden gazdı. Burada problem kendisi mi gazdı, yoksa kendisi mi gazdı. Yani o şeyin bir kişiliği mi var yoksa yok mu o zaman gaz da o şey olmalı)(yani hem diyoruz ki o şey daha önceden gazdı, sonra da diyoruz ki o şeyin kendisi gazdır.) “yani bir şey en önce neyse, onun mahiyeti odur gibimize geliyor. Oysa iyi okuyun “bir şey sıvı olmuş”. Yani sıvı olan bir şey var. “deemk ki daha önceden gazdı”  yani “o şey daha önceden gazdı”. aynı şey daha önceden gazmış. Sonra yanlış hüküm vererek demek o şey gazmış diyoruz. O şey gazdı . bir şey gazdı. Ney peki bu şey.  İsmi olan bir şey. Biz insanlar da aynıyız çocuk oluyoruz genç oluyoruz orta yaş oluyoruz. Diyelim ki birisi önceden gençti. Demek daha önceden de çocuktu. Demek bu birisi çocuktur demek gibi oluyor. Mahiyetleri şeylerden ayıramıyoruz. Oysa ki o kişi şimdi hala genç. Yani bir insan ya gençtir ya çocuktur diyoruz. Ancak aynı insan  orta yaşa da girecek. O zaman aynı kişi değil mi. yukarıda da gaz olan şey başka bir şeydir. Aynı şey sıvı da oluyor . nasıl? Çünkü zamanla değişiyor . sıvılaşıyor ve akıyor . başka bir şey olmuyor. Vücudu başka bir şey oluyor.  ]


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