Girdap Teorisi

                                   A METHOD OF PROVING SCIENTIFIC THEORIES

                   Until now, we know that scientific theories cannot be proven.Lets see whether is true or not.

                    We know that total probability is always one. We cannot find any more probabilities after that point. That’s why we can say that total probability is always equal to one and we can think that this point is proven. Total probability is always one. If there is more than we must show it wich no one is capable of showing it since that probability doesn’t exist.
                         A theory fallows a path, but at the same  time there are alternative paths. If all alternative paths are falsified than since total probability is 1 and there are no more probabilities, theory is proven. We can today falsify theories that is why we can achieve this. We can falsify all alternative paths and than we can prove a theory. But sometimes one of the alternative path may not be falsified instead theory may be falsified, in that case we corrected the theory by means of falsifying all other paths inculidn theory itself. A path of a theory is starting from one point ending at end point. 
                      To achieve this, we must know all possible paths one of which must be the therory itself. If every path can be false than we did not consider something, we did not take into account something. We must know every possibility so that one of them is definitely true.
                      Think shrodinger’s cat in the box. But this time one thing is different. Think there is a scientific theory. Think we know that if theory is true than the cat is alive, if theory is false than the cat is dead. How can we decide whether the cat is dead or alive. But wait, we have a chance, we can calculate the probability of the theory’s being true. Think for example there is 1/10 probability of theory’s being true. With 9 probabilities the theory is false and cat must be dead, but with remaining 1 probability, he cat must be alive. We know that total of ten probability can give us ten thing. If there are 10 ways, 9 ways are incorrect, than remaining one way is definitely true than the theory is proven since total probability’s being one is proven(if we accept this). If we looked at the 9 probability and showed that all of them are false, then we achieved to prove the theory. Since remaining one way is true. Other 9 ways are false. Than we can say that cat is alive. By using this method, we can prove scientific theories. As you can see, while writing a theory, we face too many probabilities. If the writer of the theory becomes carefull and calculate the theory’s being true without missing any point, than we will have a map of theory’s being true. If all other probabilities can be falsified , than remainin one point says that theory is true. By this way we can prove scientific theories by means of falsifying others and falsification of theory is possible in todays science. Anymore, we have a way to prove scientific theories.

                    We can calculate a probability of a  scientific theory’s being true and being false.  For example, think we calculated the probability of a theory’s being true. Think it is 1/10.  As a result, there are in total 10 probabilities, one of them is true definitely since one thing is occuring and which is a proven point. If we can falsify remaining  9 probabilities or any of 9 probabilities, than we can readily prove the theory or correct and prove that corrected theory. We can still only falsify a theory, but by means of falsifying theories  we can prove a theory. By means of falsifying wrong probabilities, we can eather prove the theory or correct the theory. Since we found that theory is false, but we realized that another probability is true than we corrected the theory and obtained another proven theory. Actually , this method can be used to prove anything, not only scientific theories.                 
                   ( Think there are 10 probabilites in a scientific theory. if we can falsify 9 of them , than remaining probability is proven. for example think our scientific or nonscienfic theory has 1/10 probability of being true and remaining 9/10 probability of being false. if we can falsify remaining 9 probabilites or ways, the remaning one way is proven. If every probability is another way, so that we can falsify them. then remaining one way is proven obviously.)

                 While calculating a scientific theory’s being true, we will most of the time  find more  than one way at a point. For example actually 3 things can be happened, but  theory chooses one of them, as a result there are two false  points and 1 true point. If we can falsify 2 points out of 3 points, than readily thesis is proven. If we can realize these kind of things, we can correct a theory too by means or falsifying the theory, we can find true choice.  We fasified the way theory accepted, but we are aware of other alternative probabilities, say there are n probabilities, if we can falsify  n-1 of them than the remaining one point is proven. That’s why we can go to the other way, we didn’t only falsified a  theory, we already corrected it too.

              It is very imprortant that a writer of the theory must calculate the probability of his theory’s being true while writing it. In later times it is hard to calculate the probability. Theorist must give every other probability at every point where a new postulate is attended to the theory. 

                           Proof method easy, for example if we found all probabilites for example playing a dice there are 6 probabilities and furthermore we know all of them: 1,2,3,4,5,6 if we can prove 5 of them is false, then remaining one probability is proven. Since there is no other probabilites. Logic is that much simple.
                          But if total probability's being 1 is not accepted as true, than all these theoretical proof method becomes showing a theroy or a thesis's being true. Is there a way for it? It seems yes. Since total probaility can be 1, but someone maynot accept there is no more probablity, but instead they can accept that there is zero probability remaining. IF zero probability have any meaning, than these things mentioned in this article is not a proof method , insted all these tactics are  a method of showing a theories or thesis's being true. But even if we accepted zero probability has a meaning of remaining probability still this method is trustable method of showing a theory's being true. 
                                                                                                                                           ERDAL ABAYLI

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